School meals - ISS Catering

Children can either bring their own packed lunch into school or can have a hot meal provided by Ealing Council's chosen caterer, ISS Education - Feeding Hungry Minds. They are a medium-sized, independent catering company with a strong reputation built on providing healthy, freshly cooked food. You can find out more about them at 

Each day the children can choose either a meat or vegetarian food option. Halal meat is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The menu for Autumn Term 2021 can be found below. The menu will start on week 3 for the 2nd and 3rd of September, and begin from week 1 on Monday 6th September 2021.

All children in Reception and KS1 (year 1 and 2) are entitled to universal free school meals provided by the government. Some children in KS2 are also entitled to free school meals, depending on the income of their parent or carer. Please ask the school office if you think you may qualify for this. 

The cost of a school meal is currently £2.35 per day or £11.50 per week. School meals can be paid for using a debit or credit card via a programme called Blue Runner. More information can be found here. Further information with a 'how to' guide for parents and payments can be seen below.

If your child has any dietary requirements or allergies, it is of utmost importance that a Special Dietary Form is filled in and returned to the school office, with a coloured photo of your child and medical evidence of their requirements. Please note, without the completion of this form, the kitchen will be unable to feed your child due to health and safety purposes. Please get in contact with the school office to request a dietary form (alternatively, one can be downloaded from the set of documents below). 


School Meal Information for Parents


We have been working closely with our caterers to ensure that meals are served in-line with our new 'Whole School Food Policy'. Please read through the policy for further information.

Whole School Food Policy


Cool Milk

If you'd like your child to have milk at school, you need to register them online with Cool Milk. All children over 5 will have a charge for milk. Please give 1-2 weeks to register your child and for your selection of milk dates to go through and be accepted.